Cell Block Theatre Sign |
You can see the circular stairs and bars in sandstone and bars on the windows of Cell Block Theatre |
Originally built in 1836 as a prison block for female inmates, The theatre is a reminder of Sydney's dubious origins as a place for convicts to serve their terms. The original sandstone walls and bars on windows remain.
The class ran over 9 days - 4 consecutive days in the school holidays after Term 2 and 5 consecutive days in the school holidays after Term 3. Clara just completed the course. In 9 days, she "transcribed" 5 paintings. She seemed to enjoy Anna Vinogradova's paintings. She learned a lot.
On Friday, there was a public Open House with the art from each Year 11 participant on display. I took Tristan, Zoe and Neo to the Open House.
Clara's "translation" of Anna Vinogradova painting |