13 June 2012

Start of Winter 2012

June 1 is the beginning of winter.  We have been enjoying our fireplace as the nights get cold.  The days have been quite stormy - lots of rain - 5 year record set for amount of rainfall in Sydney over 24 hour period.  It's been raining for days.  But not today :)

We saw our first migratory whales from the balcony of our home.  We have moved the 2nd table into position to be close to the fire and be able to view the ocean.  I spend a lot of time here.

The children continue to be active.  Tristan represented Copacabana Public School at the Brisbane Water zone Cross Country.  He enjoyed the day and ran well.

Zoe is playing soccer.  The fields are quite muddy, as you can see.  Zoe is really enjoying soccer.  They are playing better week by week - both as a team and individually.

We were able to see Clara's stitches for the first time - eleven in total.
 Top pic: with stitches.  Bottom pic: without stitches.
Yes, her cast is PURPLE!  It sure looks blue in the picture.
She has returned to school (happily) and her friends used white out to write on her cast.  She is finding it tiring to be in school all day.  I drive her to and from school each day.  Eventually she'll take the bus again - but not yet.

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